1 on 1

  • Length: 1 hour
  • Languages: EN, ES, RU
  • Level: Custom-made

About this service:

This is a custom-made class tailored for your needs and requirements. It was designed for you to improve virtually every aspects of your day trading endeavors. Our experts are ready to help you with years of experience under their belts, and an eagerness to assist you strive forward like never before.

What you will get:

  • In depth analysis of your trading week
  • Positive and negative influences on your trading performance
  • Preparing for next week
  • Seeing through that past mistakes don’t happen again

Additionally you get

  • Insights and case studies

Is this service good for me?

This service was created for those who are looking to improve their weak spots in day trading, and educate themselves on where they require the most knowledge. Our mentors will run through your trading experience with you to assist you and determine where they see the most challenges.

Kevin Timmer

“Traden en het helpen van mensen in het traden geeft mij enorm veel energie. Ik ben er klaar voor om jou een duw in de juiste richting te geven”

Jordi van der Pas

“Door de jaren heen heb ik veel ervaring op kunnen doen in het traden en dit wil ik vol enthousiasme met jou delen“

Antoine L. Mussons

“Lleva años dedicado a la mentorización de alumnos, tanto nóveles como ya más avanzadas, con un seguimiento muy personalizado con el fin de ayudar a cada uno a superar los distintos obstáculos que van surgiendo en el camino.”

Jose Antonio Piñero

“Desde 2015 me dedico a la formación de traders con mentorizaciones individuales y personalizadas tratando de transmitir todo el conocimiento adquirido durante mi carrera.”

Daniel Grioni

“Soy un day trader con más de una década de experiencia en acciones americanas. Desde 2013 me dedico también a la capacitación y tutorías desde niveles principiantes hasta avanzados en el trading.”

Agnes Lafleur

“My favorite part of the one-on-one is the ability I have to listen to the beginner trader. Just by listening and helping them see their misconceptions is already a huge support for them, and highly rewarding to me”

Scott Malatesta

“My many years as a day trader taught me one concept more than anything - you need someonne to talk to. If that person is me - all the better!”

Yogev Cohen

“ Yogi met the world of stock trading 8 years ago when he had to decide whether to go to college or focus on trading. He chose to trade and since then he trained hundreds of students his strategies.
Life motto: 'Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.-Steve Jobs'.



  • Live sessions
  • Mentoring

Like to know more?

Should you have any questions about enrolling to our trading academy, day trading education programs, trading chat room or anything else, contact us here and one of our team members will get back to you soon.