Day Trading for Dummies eBook



February 4, 2019

Why does one need a book to start studying day trading?

Day trading is quite complex. It is not a simple way to make easy money, as is assumed by many new traders. Therefore, to start day trading and to excel at it, a beginning trader must begin with learning. A new day trader must prepare himself well by gathering as much experience and knowledge as possible.

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One of the most efficient ways to learn from the seasoned traders and other experienced predecessors is by reading their shared experiences. Reading the books written by masters of the trade offers the neophytes a comprehensive resource to learn from. Instead of committing mistakes oneself and learning from them, the new traders get an opportunity to learn from the experienced traders’ slips and encounters.

What should one look for in a good book about day trading?

Day trading books play a critical role in preparing the new traders for the real world. To begin with, an ideal book about day trading must be easy to understand. The content should not be too complicated for the beginners, and the language must be vernacular for ordinary people.

At the same time, a good day trading book must include as many examples as possible. That will make it possible for new traders to learn from the real-life experiences of their mentors and seniors and prevent them from making similar mistakes. A good day trading book should also offer explanations that fit all levels of traders, ranging from the lowest level to the highest level.

The Market Whisperer: A New Approach to Stock Trading

Having learned the importance of an excellent book to the process of learning day trading, let us introduce you to one of the best books to study stock trading.


The Market Whisperer: A New Approach to Stock Trading is a best-seller trading book by Meir Barak.


About the Author


Meir Barak is a professional trader who has been highly successful in the US stock market. Meir had humble beginnings. He owned a business that crashed after the dot com bubble, leaving him penniless with a family to take care of.


He struggled but kept working hard. Dealing with the market was harder than he imagined, but he persevered, learned, executed, corrected, and scaled heights. During his trading journey, he learned the dynamics of the trading industry and gathered both good and bad experiences.


This was when he decided to share his learnings and experiences with new traders. He established Tradenet as an online trading training academy. He also shared his secrets through his book, The Market Whisperer.


About the Book


The Market Whisperer is a comprehensive guide to stock trading. The book is ideal for those who have no background in trading, along with those who have gained experience but are still willing to learn more.


The book stands out among many trading guides as it is not complicated and effortless to comprehend for the newbies. The tone of the book is not condescending, while it still gives the traders all the information they need. There is a lot to learn including fundamental analysis, technical analysis, trading platforms, risk management, choosing a winner stock, and market psychology.

Chapters 1-6 of the book are available for free in eight different languages at

Day Trading eBook is Just The Beginning.

Meir Barak and Tradenet have so much to offer to enhance your training skills and abilities. Once a trader is done reading The Market Whisperer and absorbed the basics, he can move on to more reading material on Tradenet.


Along with the written material, Tradenet also offers knowledge through videos on its YouTube channel. There is so much to be assimilated from the videos like Day Trading Stocks for $5,000 in 8 minutes! Or How to Trade False Breakouts.


For the traders who need more guidance and assistance, Tradenet also offers mentorship through its live trading chat rooms. Analysts and highly experienced traders, including Meir Barak, trade live and provide education and trading support to the traders. Traders can also mirror these big trades and learn as they go.


Once a trader is accustomed to Tradenet’s way of learning, he can also enroll himself for the various levels of education programs. Thousands of individuals have benefitted from the education programs of Tradenet that include online sessions, recorded material, live mentoring, and eligibility to apply for a funded trading account.


As a bottom line, The Market Whisperer provides the new and experienced traders with the technical knowledge, expertise, and skills required for day trading. Meir Barak has passed on his years of experience in the form of his book. Traders who wish to learn more and become successful at day trading like Meir can reap the benefits of the book and the other learning programs of Tradenet.


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